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Time: 10.00 - 11.30

We;re headed to beautiful Orlando, FL to give a talk about a channel model we adapted for rapid prototyping of the Doppler profile in simulation. Come hear us at the 14th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 2017)

Vehicle-to-Vehicle LOS Large-Scale Doppler Channel Model using GSCM

The Doppler effect is typically an impairment for wireless communications in mobile-to-mobile environments. Multipath effects leading to delay dispersion at the receiver can create to a challenging doubly selective time-frequency channel response. In Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications small-scale effects of the V2V channel over a short duration are well understood. However, observing the Doppler response over a longer duration can provide observations directly related to the vehicle dynamics. In this novel work, we build upon an existing GSCM by including the double-bounced scattering off of the participating vehicles themselves and validating these contributions through real-world experimentation. The model enables the study of a potentially new “sensor” in connected vehicle networks: the large-scale Doppler response, in which mobile scatters are observable and potentially communication environment awareness.